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This is a personal memoir about growing up in Yorkshire in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and later. It is not always about Yorkshire, nor is it entirely memoir, but most of it is. Names and other details have been changed to avoid difficulties. I started in 2014 with the notion of accumulating some kind of printable book, possibly private rather than published.

This page lists and links all posts roughly in chronological order (rather than by posting date). Some posts recall people and experiences, others try to take a humorous view, and some are of the “look how the world has changed” kind. Essentially, I am interested in how Britain and the world have changed during the decades I have lived through, and the effects of what happened then upon the present day. 

List of posts to 5th September 2024


The Past

            Living Memory
            Bath Hospital 1839
            What Is Wrong In This Room?
            What Is Wrong With This Steamer?
            What Is Wrong In These Pictures?
            George Gibbard Jackson
            Carolus II Dei Gratia Mag Br Fra et Hib Rex
            Brown's Self-Interpreting Family Bible
            Cinema Paradiso
            Wainwright’s Mardale Green
            Ashby Decoy


Home and School:
            Gram Motherem
            Colours I See With
            Pounds, Shillings and Pence
            Washing Machines Old and New
            Donkey Stone
            Dirty Old Town
            Hartlepool, 1963
            In praise of bicycles
            Rags and Bones
            The Old Apple Tree
            M Dunham Are Crap
            The White Stool
            We Know Where You’re From
            Talk like a pirate and Too Much Television
            The Horse Race Game
            Haunted Houses
            Christmas Tree
Family and Friends:
            Follow The Moon
            Uncle Jimmy
            Mrs Quackworth
            The Restless Friend
            Do Elephants Get Seasick?
            The Man With The Hebrew Bible
            Tips, Ships and Executorships
            Teenage Mums
            The R100
            Cartophilic Concerns
            Aunty Bina’s Farm
            Warp Land
            The Village and The Carnival Is Over
            Premium Bonds
            A Family History Mystery
Dad at Play:
            Lost Entitlements
            Dad’s Thursday Helper and A Practical Wife
            Little Ships
            My Picture Book of Ships
            Crossbar Excursions
            Haley Paley Snow on the Ground
            Hornby ‘O’ Gauge and revisited
            Dad’s 1950s Films
            The Song Book
            I Haven’t Time To Be A Millionaire
            Great Yarmouth 1960
            Whitby, Staithes and Scarborough
            The day we saw the Queen Mary sail
Childhood Music:
            I am a Mole
            Windmills Of Our Minds
            Bangers And Mash

Teenage Years

Home, Hobbies and Reading:
            Bright in the Background
            Hedge Trimmer Safety 1968
            Developing, Printing and a trip to London
            Doing the Pools
            Reel-to-Reel Recordings
            Guitar Books
            Knockout, Knowledge and Arthur Mee
            How Well Do You Know Morse Code?
            Back In Time For The Weekend 1
            Be Prepared
            Philately will get you nowhere
            Airfix Modelling
            The Yellow Shed
            Playing With Dictionaries
            Selective Education
            Lookin’ for a ‘feet’
            Home Chemistry and Explosives Precursors
            School Chemistry
            Biology Made Simple
            School Metalwork
            School Woodwork
            School English (Mrs Hird of Cowes)
            A Silly Christmas Love Story
            Tackling Rugby
            Jim Laker, Mr. Ellis and the Eagle Annual
            Pythagoras, Proof of the Pi and Factorials
            Different Lives
1960s Belgium:
            In England They Eat Cat Food
            More Memories of 1960s Belgium
            Votre Billet, Monsieur?
            Belgian Youth Abroad
            Peyton Place and Top Deck Shandy
Out and About:
            Rather a studious kind of boy
            A Body Like Mine
            Ready Steady Go
            The Great Cigarette Machine Robbery
            Mists: a tale for Halloween
            Teenage ‘X’ Certificate
            Young Thugs
            Hornsea Pottery
            Shoot The Ruddy Sods
            Beer Mats
            Tour de Yorkshire
            Hand Signals and Semaphor Indicatory
            Teenage Part-Time Jobs

Late Teens and Early Twenties

            Articled Clerk
            Clients and Further Thoughts Amout Clients 
            Caer Rhun Hall
            Ties Teens and Sells
            Agents of Maths Destruction
            Vulgar Money Bags
            Partners and Seniors
            The Old House
            One Man's Week 1974
            The Compton Road Library
            The Vauxhall Griffin
            The Cats With A Bank Account
The Shared House:
            Brendan and the Shared House
            The Beatles Song Book
            Jokers Wild
            I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
            Not The Best Policy
            Posters on the Wall
            Back In Time For Tea
            Strange Brew (Back in Time 3)
            Mickey's Son and Daughter
            Barclay James Harvest (for Northsider)
            Playlist: Fixing a Hole
            Heathkit AD-27
            Paul McCartney's RAM 
            Andrew Lloyd Webber
            Recording Artiste
            Top of the Pops 1983

How not to forget PINs
Where were you?
A Visit From The Police
The Goole to Leeds Train
A family tragedy
The Ghost of Airmyn Crossings
The Real Marigold Hotel
Twelve Balls
250 Words a Minute
The Play That Goes Wrong
Old and New Cars
The Phone Phreak
Petrol Rationing
Short Shorts
Lost Colour
Brian Cant and Play Away
The Blue Mini (previous title "Back In Time For The Weekend 2")
            The Ascent of Man
            Ray Gosling's Goole
            Eric Kershaw’s Guitar Class
            Lytton Strachey
            The Mighty Micro
            Working Class
            Stiff Upper Lip
            North Yorks Walks
            Kinder Scout
            Road to the Isles
            Walking In Iceland (series of linked posts)
            Loch Muick


College and University
            Weekend in College
            ‘A’ Levels Again
            ‘A’ Level English 1977
            ‘A’ Level Geography 1977
            Night Cleaner
            The Canning Factory
            Mature Student
            Philip Larkin’s Foot
            Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny
            Research Before The Internet
            Computers, Education and the Conservatives
            Grandad Dunham’s Flight Simulator
            Rewriting Rewritten Writing
            VAX and VAXen
            Full Circle?
            The Wrong Door
            Hi there Duggy!
            Marie Tidball
            Significant Plagiarism Detected
            The Commercialisation of Universities
            Snowing Like Buggery
            Mick Copier

Computing Industry
            Information Systems
            From Ferrybridge to Finland
            Unprincipled Spivs
            Norn Iron

Writers At Heart
The Nineteen-Eighties
Jumped Down Catholics
Luxury Travel
Talbot Samba
Every Car We’ve Owned
A Tale of Two Tea Pots
Doubters, Doomsters, Gloomsters
The Inter-Varsity Club
Not Seeing Pink


Home and around
            Stair Rail
            Doorstep Deliveries
            Kitchens Old and New
            A Walk to the Post Office
            Help, my courgette looks like a duck!
            Köhler’s Apes
            Bird Water
            Don’t They Know It’s Christmas Time?
            I’m Not A Foxglove
            Red In Beak And Talon  
            Pumpkin? Gourd? Giant Puffball?  
            Garden Birds  
            Half a Brick  
            Last Apple  
            Carrot Tub  
            Cheery Little Pansy  
Garden Cam
            Easter Hedgehogs 2020
            Night Cats
            Hedgehog Update 1 and Update 2
            Snail Bogeys
            Pigeon For Breakfast
            Fox in the Night in the Rain
            Catch Me If You Can
            Foxy Is Injured
            Foxy Is Back, Foxy Is Better
            I Hate Hedgehog Biscuits
            Bathtime Fun
            Checked Out
            Trains and Boats
            Fort William
            North Wales
            The Exorcist
            Don't Tell 'Em
            Strange Conversation
            People who can't say 'ul
            Molly's Family and Molly's Twin
            Accents and Subtitles
            Dill in Mustard Sauce
            Blessed By Snowdrops
            On Visiting A Daughter At University
            Fish Finger Sandwiches
            Blue Star
            phoebe’s wee blog
            Airmyn Clock  
            The Eccentric Great Aunt: the Painter  
            Great-Grandma: Another Painter  
            A Birthday Surprise
            Hobgoblin, For Foul Fiend
            A New Job
            Hello, Cheeky!
            Siemens A55
            My IKEA Bekant Sit/Stand Desk
            Occupational Therapy Corners
            Musical Instruments
            Bike Gadget
Television and Media
            The Morecambe and Wise IRA Sketch
            Keith Richard’s Lost Weekend
            A Very British Revolution
            Julius Caesar
            Green Dog
            The Peter Rabbit Plate
            Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome
            Lonely Brown Hair
            Brain Fog
            Health Gadget
            Another Health Gadget
            Brugada Syndrome
            Sebhorreic Keratosis
            Laid Up   
            Cancer Treatment
            Morbid Statistics and the NHS
            Exon 14
            Wilson Keppel and Betty
            Diverticular Disease
            Ten Years
            Physician Heal Thyself
            Come Lasses and Lads to Bangor
            Buddy Can You Spare a Dime?
            Musical Snobbery
            Does Anyone Want Some Drinks?
            Get Tret Better
            Limerick Leanings
            The Signalman’s Dilemma
            Traffic Cam
            The Planets
            Council Tax
            Bouncing Balls
            Memoir and Blogging   
            Nice Little Earner 

Throw or Keep? (old items no longer used)

            Mum’s Little Bear
            Old Tools
            Old Wires
            A Fiddle Too Far (The Carriage Clock)
            The Mirror
            Petrol Cans
            Parking Machine Tickets
            Oil Lamp
            Tuning Gadget
            My Very First Mother Goose
            Lenses and Tubes
            Slide Copier
            Slide Projector
            The Songwriter
            Pocket Hand Warmer
            Deaf Duster

Of Topic and Technical 

            Adsense, Blogger and YouTube
            Adsense Revisited
            Blog Address
            Side by Side Images in Blogger
            Alt-0247 and Rule
            Faded Page
            Dear Google User...
Just Playing
            The Riddle of the £30 Restaurant Bill
            Supermarket Loyalty Badge Scheme
            Trump and Tusk
            This Hi-de-Hi Government
            Some Memorable Posts
            Coronavirus Pacman
            Facial Animation
            Equal Rights for Toes!
            The Yorkshire Story of the Creation
            Sunday Silliness

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I welcome comments and hope to respond within a day or two, but my condition is making this increasingly difficult. Some days I might not look here at all. Also please note that comments on posts over a month old will not appear until they have been moderated.