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Thursday 24 August 2023

Pumpkin? Gourd? Giant Puffball?

The potentilla is looking particularly splendid this year. It has never had so many flowers. It must be all the rain we've had.

I went to take a picture, and looked down. What is THAT!? I am not going any nearer. I am certainly not going to touch it. Errgh! 


  1. It looks... like something that crawls around with its feelers out, leaving a trail of slime. Maybe an Alien spaceship has left you a souvenir.

  2. I reckon it is a piece of pottery gone horribly wrong, or brilliantly right for Aliens ;)

  3. Poke it with a stick and it might go away.

  4. Looks like someone's ceramics project!

  5. I agree with Andrew, use a long stick! If it goes " puff" and spores come out it's a fungus. If it's hard it could be a deformed gourd. If it runs away scream loudly, run like mad in the opposite direction and send your photo to the appropriate authorities!

  6. I'm with Thelma - it looks like someone went mad in a pottery class. If it is fungus that has to be the coolest fungus I have ever seen - and someone should use it as inspiration for going mad in a pottery class.

  7. Oh, so that's where it went! I wondered what had happened to it.
    Send him back home please, Tasker.

  8. Whatever it is, it's having a bad hair day.

  9. It looks like something from outer space!

  10. Either it is a piece of ceramic and you are having us on - or it is a fungus - but don't try getting down to smell it - it might be the last thing you do - it could thrive on eating human flesh.

  11. To me it looks like a weird pumpkin - decorative gourd, though I would discuss the "decorative" :-)

  12. I agree with Britta. Gourd! But you are not going to keep us in suspense are you? Get a stick! Have Mrs D a safe distance away. With a cell phone.

  13. Ceramic, surely - and you are being a tease.

  14. It looks a bit slimy, and there is that line of drool running down from beside its mouth. I think you should notify the authorities.

  15. You,sir, need to hie yourself right back here. You have some explaining to do!

  16. Matelea cyclophylla I believe - also known as gonolobus. I believe it originated in Mexico. Just call me Bob Flowerdew.


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