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Sunday 20 August 2023

Foxy Is Injured

Still visiting, but is clearly injured.


  1. Replies
    1. We have been naughty and put a dish of hedgehog biscuits out for it tonight.

  2. Sore paw. I wonder if there was a fight. Or a trap.

    1. We thought it could have stepped on some glass or sharp wire. I do hope nobody would put out traps round here.

  3. A dose of antibiotic would not go amiss. Can you get animal treatments there?

    1. A vet would probably give an AB injection, but would have to catch it first. I don't think you can buy them over the counter.

    2. Here, we are lucky enough to be able to buy a lot of things at the farm store, including animal treatments. I would never try to catch him, but I would try putting a bowl of food out with medicine.

  4. Good advice so far. I hope the fox can be helped.

    1. ABs would be the treatment for pets, but wild animals are much more difficult to treat. I hope it gets better too. It has entertained us for quite a time now.

  5. Poor foxy. The one at our allotments came by on Saturday, stopped for a brief chat (or to offer his condolences) and is looking a whole lot better now that his moult is over. We hope yours recovers soon too.

    1. We hope it gets better too. It looks painful.

  6. He still seems quite lively though.

    1. It didn't come last night. Will put the biscuits out again tonight.

  7. You could also doctor the biscuits if he does come, he may need antibiotics at some stage. It is always hard when you are pulled into the drama of a sick wild animal.

    1. Yes, we have been drawn in. So far we have avoided putting out food but to see it limping like that is upsetting after watching it on the night cam for the past 7 or 8 months. But I thought that except for special injections, antibiotics need to be given regularly over a week or so.

  8. Hmmmm...injured foot maybe? Looks like the fox takes a few steps at the very end of the second clip so hopefully it's not too bad and will heal.

    1. Hope so. We've not seen it for 2 nights, but that's not unusual.

  9. Poor creature! He is clearly in significant discomfort but he must still eat. Give me your address and I will send you a fiver for some cheap dog food.

    1. It doesn't want cheap dog food. It wants nice dog food. And none of that Bosh! stuff. Anyway, because it seems to be staying home not feeling very well, you had best order it direct from Ocado to be delivered to: The Fox's Lair, Through the Millenium Gate, Behind the third tree along, HD8 8AN. It might need a tin opener too.

  10. I feed around three or four foxes in my back garden and a little while ago one of them was limping like the fox in your video. It's always distressing to see and one can't help but worry. I haven't seen a limping fox in my garden for a couple of weeks now so I hope it got better, though one never really knows, eh?

    1. I think it's right to help with food, but really there is little else one can do. I've just put the camera out again and the food to see if it visits tonight.

  11. Poor fox! You must feel helpless - though now there came a lot of sound advice.

    1. We hope it gets better, but putting out food is probably all we can do to help.

  12. It’s a hard life even near humanity

    1. It is, John, as I'm sure you see in your job. At least we can cushion ourselves from the worst in Western Europe. Most of us would be helpless living rough like foxes.


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