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Wednesday 31 August 2016

Reviews - Bill Bryson: One Summer and The Road to Little Dribbling

Bill Bryson: One Summer
Bill Bryson
One Summer: America 1927 (4*)
The Road to Little Dribbling (4*)

One Summer is an account of a summer when rather a lot happened, much of historical significance. You have to admire Bill Bryson for organising so much material in such a readable and entertaining way, but as an English reader I might have liked less about baseball. As noted previously, it is interesting to compare Bill Bryson with Gervase Phinn. (May 2015)

Bill Bryson: The Road to Little Dribbliing
The Road to Little Dribbling is a follow up to Notes From a Small Island published twenty years earlier, both based on travels around his "adopted country" of Britain. He has the ability to rant about all kinds of ridiculous and scandalous things in the most amusing way while revealing things about your own country you never knew, even about places you thought you did know. (August 2016)

Key to star ratings: 5*** wonderful and hope to read again, 5* wonderful, 4* enjoyed it a lot and would recommend, 3* enjoyable/interesting, 2* didn't enjoy, 1* gave up.

Sunday 31 July 2016

Review - Gervaise Phinn: Road to the Dales

Gervase Phinn: Road to the Dales
Gervase Phinn
Road to the Dales (4*)

Gervaise Phinn’s entertaining books about life as a Yorkshire teacher and schools' inspector are best sellers. Here he no less amusingly remembers his early life in Rotherham. Some chapters about his relatives drag a bit, but the tales of his childhood in the nineteen-fifties have countless laugh-out loud moments and vivid contemporary memories.

It is edifying to see how someone so accomplished handles this kind of material, and interesting to compare Gervase Phinn with Bill Bryson. Both are among Amazon's best selling authors, but apart from the difference that one writes mainly memoir and the other travel, both produce a similar kind of light humour. For me Phinn is much the better writer. He really is a fantastic story teller and describer of people, with a truly original gift for language - e.g. he describes taking a girl to see a scary film, throughout which she clung to him "like a Whitby limpet." The trouble is that if you Google it you'll find he has used the same expression in other tales too, which is self-plagiarism. Still, it gave me the idea for the cricket ball which "whistled like the wings of a Pontefract pigeon." Is that plagiarism?

Phinn sells fewer books than Bryson, probably because Bryson paints on a broad canvas whereas Phinn is much more parochial.

Key to star ratings: 5*** wonderful and hope to read again, 5* wonderful, 4* enjoyed it a lot and would recommend, 3* enjoyable/interesting, 2* didn't enjoy, 1* gave up.

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