I wrote this on Thursday but did not post.
Struggling physically and mentally.
Finding it hard to do anything.
I fear the game may be up.
Did well Tuesday: MRI, CT, and blood test. Very tiring. Wife brilliant getting me there for 9.00 a.m. Results will be informative.
Have a post scheduled for tomorrow (Friday). But after that?
Still hope to be here to see a million page views. Not far to go.
On Friday I was going to call the help line, but they called me first. They wanted me at the hospital again, urgently. Was there all day, mostly waiting for more test results and discussions.
It seems I have a blood clot and a new area of active tumour growth.
I have been put on a 20-day course of steroids to reduce any possible brain swelling, and blood thinners to reduce the chance of further clots. The self-administered thinner jabs are difficult. They also want me in for one or two nights to drain the fluid from around my chest and lungs. Oh what fun that sounds, but it should make breathing easier. Consultant team will discuss results this week. It might mean more Gamma Knife. Am beginning to feel a bit better as the steroids take effect; it is usually fairly quick. And at least on blood thinners they might have less trouble getting a canula to work.
Not happy. But they have not written me off yet.
Have now caught up with comments on last posts.
Oh bugger. Really sorry to read this Tasker and wishing, very hard, that you successfully come through this course of treatment. x
ReplyDeleteThank you JayCee. Waiting to hear what the treatment is.
DeleteIf I could reach through my computer screen and hold your hand then I would do. If death should meet you, I hope your wife will know how to announce it here on your blog. I should like to attend your funeral if that is okay with you Tasker. In the meantime, fight on my friend!
ReplyDeleteThank you, but don't be daft. I'll be attending yours first.
DeleteSorry. that was mean. I should have said don't think it impossible that yours won't be before mine, although I would not wish it on you.
DeleteYou never know what is round the corner... It might be a Number 88 bus!
DeleteCancer in all its variations needs banning - keep on keeping on please.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I will. It's just one of those things that some of us are unlucky to get.
DeleteThank you once more for your openness. Even though I have been at very close quarters with cancer and other life-threatening diseases, I have so far not struggled with one myself and therefore can only try to imagine what it's really like.
ReplyDeleteThe most fitting German word I can think of is SCHEISSDRECK.
Thank you. It is surprising what we can cope with. It's not too hard to begin with. But Scheißdreck it certainly is.
DeleteHang in there, Tasker! I hope things improve and you'll have no pain or discomfort. Sending hugs and wishing you all the best.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I am hanging in, on, out, and everywhere else.
DeleteBest wishes Tasker.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
DeleteSo sorry to hear this, Tasker. I hope the treatment is effective and you can keep on keeping on.
ReplyDeleteThanks you. I do too.
DeleteSo sorry to hear about this latest issue. I hope your breathing eases. And you're very much in my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteThank you. This is how these things always go, eventually.
DeleteThat is wretched news but please don't give up. It breaks us all up when one of us becomes so ill and all we can do is offer words. But hang in there. Hugs and love to you and your family. X
ReplyDeleteThank you. Thelma. Not giving up, but it does not get any easier.
DeleteI am very sorry that you are struggling right now. It sounds like a rough road ahead. I hope things smooth out for you.
ReplyDeleteThank you Debby. A rough road was always likely, but I'll keep my winter tyres on.
DeleteRemember to steer into the slide.
DeleteWretched news and I hate to hear it, but I do thank you for sharing it with all of us. Dare I say it, though it's neither popular nor politically correct nowadays, I am praying for your healing and recovery, Tasker. As a Christian, I believe that in God's heaven there will be no more pain, no more sickness, no more death, no more dying, so even the end of life is actually a kind of victory. No offense is intended; please forgive me if I have overstepped the bounds.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I grew up Church of England, and like its traditions, but I am not that much of a believer. It is more that we don't understand the wonder of everything, which leaves room for uncertainty.
DeleteI'm here to convey my very best wishes for healing and relief. I'm sorry you're having such a tough time.
ReplyDeleteThank you. It is surprising what you can bear, especially with family support.
DeleteYou don't know me from Adam, but you are often mentioned on friends' blogs. Sorry to hear you are not in the best place, but hoping that the treatment will buy you more time. Jennie in Wales
ReplyDeleteThank you. I have occasionally looked at your blog, but one can't follow everyone, unfortunately.
DeleteWishing you peace, comfort, and relief.
ReplyDeleteThank you. And thank you for reading.
DeleteSending you virtual (((hugs))) and hope the treatments will relieve matters xx
ReplyDeleteGZ here
DeleteThank you. I'm not giving up yet.
DeleteGood! ♥️
DeleteI'm sorry that things have gotten so bad for you. I'm a pray-er, but I know most of my blogging friends are not... so let's just say I'm thinking good, positive thoughts for you as you deal with all this. Try to stay strong.
ReplyDeletealso thinking good positive thoughts.... and blessings
ReplyDeleteI'm here from Debby's blog. I'm so sorry you are going through such a difficult time. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and sending you aloha from across the miles.
ReplyDeleteHere courtesy of Debby but have seen you around her comments field in the past. All the best for great medical treatment and health outcomes. Also hoping for all of you more fertile mental health fields as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that you are struggling now. Hopefully the treatment helps to make you feel better. Keep hanging in there. Gigi
ReplyDeleteI'm here via Debby's blog. I'm so sorry about what's going on. Draining the fluid from around your lungs will make breathing easier. I work in cancer care, and sometimes we leave the drain in so that you can be drained on a more regular basis, depending on how much fluid you have built up.
ReplyDeleteCancer is a giant asshole. I hope you are comfortable, at a minimum, and glad that your wife is able to care for you. Does your wife have someone to care for her? It's awful watching someone you love struggle like this.
You don't know me but sending hugs to you and your wife.
Good advice, having been the wife of a husband with cancer
DeleteGood luck, and it seems like you are receiving the best of care.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that you are dealing with all of this. I wish you well with whatever happens next.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to read this. Do hope it's just a hiccup and you can rally round again. Sending hugs.
ReplyDeleteJust stopped over from Debby's blog to add my voice to all those who are wishing you well. Cancer is the devil. Your care team seems to be impressive and doing all the best things.
ReplyDeleteRead your blog once in a while & enjoy it. Sure hope you can stay comfortable & that your dear wife can stay strong.
ReplyDeleteHoping for the best for you. Cancer is terrible, good support helps a great deal and you seem to be in good hands. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI am here from Debby's blog. I remember visiting your blog occasionally and believe I first read your posts from Pat's blog. I wish you all the best. Thinking of you and your family from Georgia USA
ReplyDeleteI wish for peace and comfort for you at this time.
ReplyDeleteOh, this is tough. For you. Do the best you can and may you find those million views.
ReplyDeleteI don’t know you, but Debby said to drop by, so I have. You are really going through it, aren’t you? Congrats for finding the reserve to write the post, and I wish you good moments in these difficult times. Cling to the moments. My tablet will only allow me to post anonymously this morning, but I am Anvilcloud.
ReplyDeleteMay you reach the millionth view, Tasker, but better yet may you find some measure of comfort and relief from pain after everything you have dealt with through these arduous treatments. You've been stalwart through this all and your wife and family have been real trojans for and with you. They are the real treasure of your life as you clearly understand. Thinking of you, Tasker, and your family. Wishing so much that you have some good days ahead. X
ReplyDeleteI’m here from the other Debby’s blog. Not sure how i got to hers, actually. Ms. Moon, i believe. I wanted to wish you peace and love as you go through what sounds like more treatments. My BIL is going through it, as well. Cancer sucks! Hugs to you and your wife as you travel this road together.
ReplyDeleteYou don’t know me, but I read the blogs and comments of the kind and friendly souls who have commented here. I hope with all my heart that things improve for you…. (No response needed; please save your energy for those close to you!!)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on getting over a million views! Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Wishing you peace, calm and easy days with family and friends.
ReplyDeleteHi Tasker. Just stopping by to let you and your family know that you are being thought of this day. No reply expected. Keep on keeping on.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are okay!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear this. We're all pulling for you! Keep us posted!