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Monday, 11 August 2014


This is a personal memoir about growing up in Yorkshire in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and later. It is not always memoir, nor always about Yorkshire, but much of it is. You might recognise locations but I have changed the names and details of individuals in order to protect identities.

When you start blogging you feel sure you are going to be the next Ian Jack or Alan Bennett, but soon realise you are not. That being said, I like to think I’ve learned something through the years since starting out, and have definitely gained greater respect for the professionals who do this kind of thing so well.

Last revised April 2022.


  1. I just had to come back to the beginning. What was it that sparked this experiment?

    1. 14 years late. Someone else I knew had a blog on Wordpress, so I thought I would give it a try, but thought Blogger much simpler for the purpose.


I welcome comments and hope to respond within a day or two, but my condition is making this increasingly difficult. Some days I might not look here at all. Also please note that comments on posts over 7 days old will not appear until they have been moderated.